Here you can see a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Click through the pages to find answers to your questions.

What is Appy Bot?

Appy is the best free to use Discord application bot for your Discord community. Even if you are a small or large community, Appy is an absolute must-have for your community.

Appys features:

  • Application management with accept/deny buttons

  • Over 15 customizable settings

  • User-Friendly Panels

  • Interactive Dashboard

  • Role management

  • Real-time polls

What is Appy Premium?

There are 2 tiers of Premium.

Tier 1: Will allow you to activate premium on 1 server. Tier 2: Will allow you to activate premium on 3 servers.

Read more about what you get with premium here.

How to make a application?

Head to Application forms to see the guide how to set up a application.

How do i invite Appy to my server?

You can invtie Appy by clicking HERE or go to Invite Appy to find a guide.

What is Appy's perfix?

Appy's prefix is /. You can type /help for a list of commands. Go to Commands to see Appys commands.

Can someone else buy Premium for me?

If you are a team on your server and you want Premium. It does not need to be you as the owner of the server who buys it, just as long as the person who buys Premium has the right permissions on the server.

Where can i get support?

If you need help with Appy, do not hesitate to contact our supporter at Appy's Support Server.

Is Appy open source?


Last updated

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